Monday, March 12, 2012

Pre-Op Time: Having Visian ICL Surgery

The night before surgery, I drank as much water as I could and ate all the way up until midnight.  I typically eat right when I wake up and drink so much water throughout the day, that I was worried I'd be starving and super thirsty the day off my eye surgery (since you can't have food or drinks or gum or mints or really anything from midnight-on prior to surgery).  My nerves helped keep my hunger away.

I woke up feeling good, but still anxious.  I realized I was looking at everything a lot more intently to exam what I could see and what I couldn't....and sometimes the thought would cross my mind - what if something goes wrong and I can't see this every again.  Oh, I could've driven myself crazy with those thoughts.

I walked into Midwest Eye Center and they we ready for me right away (which is great because I hate to wait...and even more-so in this nervous situation).  My husband was left in the waiting room with a buzzer (kinda like the ones you get at Panera!) to tell him when I was going into surgery (so that he could watch).

The took me to have me sign some papers, and putting a bunch of drops in my eyes, checking my blood pressure, etc.  After, they had me sit in a pre-op waiting room.  It seemed like I was in there forever.  Probably about 30 minutes.  My eyes were dilating or whatnot during that time.

A few others were in the room with me.  They put these dot stickers on each person's forehead above the eye/s that they were getting done (I think most people were there for cataract surgery because I don't think ICL is all that common).  I was a little bored waiting phone or magazines or anything to keep my mind off of the fact that they were about to perform surgery on my eyes! 

I was excited and scared and worried all at the same many emotions! 

Finally, they called me back to the Surgery Area.  It was my turn...


  1. Dear Friend,

    Kindly can you provide an update on how you feel about ICL about 10 months down the line?

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Very detailed and informative about your ICL experience :)

    I was looking into how the different vision surgery options compare (LASIK, PRK, and Visian ICLs Implantable Corrective Lenses). Just thought to post this for other folks doing their research too was a good resource for me. Its a good read. Talks about cost, what the procedure will be like etc...leaning towards ICLs now that i've read about all these LASIK problems that I've read on other blogs...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi there,
    any chance you'll be updating your experience post-op? You're descriptions were detailed and measured - really helpful, as I'm thinking about having the surgery myself. Thanks

  5. Hello, do you have an update on how you are doing?

  6. Sorry, I never updated this! My experience with ICL was wonderful - no regrets, no problems what-so-ever! It's great not to have to deal with glasses and contacts (especially when traveling and getting up in the middle of the night for my kids)!

  7. Hello all,

    Thank you for your article, i found a review about ICL review, click on the link:
